Awaken The
Queen Within

Fit, Fabulous, and 40:
Reclaim Your Inner Glow, Revitalize Your Soul

Awaken The
Queen Within

Fit, Fabulous, and 40:
Reclaim Your Inner Glow, Revitalize Your Soul

Do these sound familiar?

  • Have you tried various exercise and nutrition programs, but are now ready to create a lifestyle that you truly enjoy?
  • Have you ever lost weight through a program, but struggled to maintain it?
  • Do you experience feelings of self-judgment when looking at yourself in the mirror, at the beach, or in pictures?
  • Have you reached your 40s and found that the methods you used to stay in shape no longer work?
  • Are you someone who prioritizes taking care of your children over taking care of yourself?
  • Do you excel in your career but struggle to show up for yourself in other areas of your life?
  • Have you tried multiple exercise and nutrition programs, but struggle to follow through with them?
  • Are you in your 40s and realizing that it's time to make some changes so you can enjoy the next 60 years of your life?
  • Are you in shape, eat healthy but realize there is something missing?

"Awaken the Queen helped me really look at the roots of eating and nutrition. I've followed all sorts of diets, fads, and trends and they only worked at a surface level. They were never able to address the behavior I had around eating. Mary (you) not only helped me look at behavior that stemmed from childhood but helped me start the process around healing. What I got from the course was to have compassion, find intuition, and learn to feel the feelings instead of turning to food to numb."

- Efong Lee, Boulder , CO

It is not your fault.

Many methods are not focused on what Women in their 40s, and 50s need and thus can actually sabotage your intentions and effort.
Most programs focus only on surface-level issues of nutrition and exercise, without addressing the deeper emotional and psychological blocks that may be holding you back.

Imagine starting your day with purpose and self-care.

Decisions are made with confidence, reflecting your deep understanding of yourself. You've created a space where you feel nurtured and free.

Food is no longer a battle; it's a celebration of nourishment. You honor your body while enjoying the foods you love. You've found what harmonizes with your unique life and well-being.

Mirrors don't just show your reflection; they reflect your empowerment journey. Your authenticity shines like a guiding light, touching every part of your life.

People notice the change – your confidence is magnetic. Your children learn self-love, and your partner feels a renewed connection. You radiate transformation, embracing life fully.

I Am Ready To Embrace Life Fully!

Imagine starting your day with purpose and self-care.

Decisions are made with confidence, reflecting your deep understanding of yourself. You've created a space where you feel nurtured and free.

Food is no longer a battle; it's a celebration of nourishment. You honor your body while enjoying the foods you love. You've found what harmonizes with your unique life and well-being.

Mirrors don't just show your reflection; they reflect your empowerment journey. Your authenticity shines like a guiding light, touching every part of your life.

People notice the change – your confidence is magnetic. Your children learn self-love, and your partner feels a renewed connection. You radiate transformation, embracing life fully.

I Am Ready To Embrace Life Fully!

Integrate nutrition, exercise, and self-care into
a lifestyle that you actually love

Look amazing while feeling confident and empowered in your own skin

Feel strong and vibrant as you experience all that life has to offer

Shed the excess weight then keeping it off

Connect with a safe community that supports you and gives you space to grow

I Want This!

Are you ready to:

  • Trust yourself to choose food and movement that create a sexy strong body
  • Let go of the unwanted weight inside and out
  • Completely shift the way you relate and show up for your body
  • Get to the root of what’s been holding you back when it comes to food
  • Get clear on your values and set boundaries
  • Overcome shame and self-doubt in your body image
  • Discover a deeper understanding of your habits around health
I Am Ready!


Create a Life You Love:
Ultimately, the Awaken the Queen course is about helping you create a life you love. You'll learn how to align your actions with your values and passions, set achievable goals, and live with purpose and intention. By taking this course, you'll be able to thrive in all areas of your life, from work and relationships to play and leisure.

Reconnect with Your Body:
This course focuses not only on the mental aspects of personal growth but also on the physical. You'll learn how to nourish your body, move with intention, and practice self-care, helping you feel more energized, healthy, and vibrant.



Create a Life You Love:
Ultimately, the Awaken the Queen course is about helping you create a life you love. You'll learn how to align your actions with your values and passions, set achievable goals, and live with purpose and intention. By taking this course, you'll be able to thrive in all areas of your life, from work and relationships to play and leisure.

Reconnect with Your Body:
This course focuses not only on the mental aspects of personal growth but also on the physical. You'll learn how to nourish your body, move with intention, and practice self-care, helping you feel more energized, healthy, and vibrant.


"Mary and her coaching were phenomenal! She helped me transform my body and allowed me to tone up and lose weight while respecting my vegan lifestyle.

Mary has helped me implement new and healthy eating methods without any fad diets that I have continued to sustain. As a vegan, my primary goal for working with Mary was to ensure that I get all necessary nutrients from my diet. Mary understood that and helped me set achievable goals in fitness and nutrition.

Mary's program and coaching is fantastic and I would highly recommend her to everyone, especially vegans and vegetarians looking to eat plant sexy and strong!"

- Vanya P. (Denver, CO)

Pay In Full


$300 off the full price of $947


2 Monthly Payments


$300 off the Full price $954


Awaken the Queen Within

is an intimate 6 week online program dedicating time and tools for exercise, enhancing your dietary habits, practicing mindfulness and delving deeper.

Reconnect with your body to live a life where you feel confident, strong and sexy in your own body.

Over the course of our time together you’ll receive:

Weekly live instructional video modules (60 mins)
[Monday at 4:30pm MST]

Weekly Live Coaching & Q+A calls (60 mins)
[Thursday 4:30pm MST]

1 workbook per module with assignments & invitations to go deeper into the work

Telegram group (community is key to this work) where you will be sharing, connecting, receiving, getting and giving feedback & support throughout the program

Courses that work in your full life. Modules and Support are meant to allow for you to yes look and feel good inside and out, drop the weight,and create space in your life.

Bonus Material:

Courses are meant to work in your life and if you want more and to delve deeper you can.

Bonus Date:
Schedule a time as soon as you book for
One on One Goal setting Session with Mary

I Am Ready To Receive!


Practical tools, structures and guidance for Queens in their 40's:

Our bodies respond differently in our 40s. Often we try to eat and exercise the way that worked in our 20s and 30s. Many of those strategies actually sabotage us in our 40s. The great news is that what our bodies need now is simple and will give great results.

 Self-Love and Mindset:

Learning to really hold yourself with compassion and discover where your beliefs about body image, nutrition and exercise originated from and how that is impacting your current health and life. You will leave knowing what beliefs you want to keep and which new ones you get to adopt to move towards your ideal future.

Emotional Freedom:

Subconscious emotional responses drive much of our behavior when it comes to our choices around food and movement. Learn to recognize them as they arise in order to make decisions with more intention and less stress, guilt and shame.


Do you know how to really sit with how you're feelings and connect them with your needs? Are you making requests to yourself that honor what you need. Are you able to talk with a partner( or someone you are dating from a place of really knowing yourself and being able to express yourself and feel resourced? We will work on this together so that your path forward feels inspiring and crystal clear.


Most people associate boundaries with restricting your freedom but when you set boundaries to serve as protection it actually allows for life to feel easier with less overwhelm. It allows for abundance to enter your life without getting caught in all the traps.

Sign Me Up!


Practical tools, structures and guidance for Queens in their 40's:

Our bodies respond differently in our 40s. Often we try to eat and exercise the way that worked in our 20s and 30s. Many of those strategies actually sabotage us in our 40s. The great news is that what our bodies need now is simple and will give great results.

 Self-Love and Mindset:

Learning to really hold yourself with compassion and discover where your beliefs about body image, nutrition and exercise originated from and how that is impacting your current health and life. You will leave knowing what beliefs you want to keep and which new ones you get to adopt to move towards your ideal future.

Emotional Freedom:

Subconscious emotional responses drive much of our behavior when it comes to our choices around food and movement. Learn to recognize them as they arise in order to make decisions with more intention and less stress, guilt and shame.


Do you know how to really sit with how you're feelings and connect them with your needs? Are you making requests to yourself that honor what you need. Are you able to talk with a partner( or someone you are dating from a place of really knowing yourself and being able to express yourself and feel resourced? We will work on this together so that your path forward feels inspiring and crystal clear.


Most people associate boundaries with restricting your freedom but when you set boundaries to serve as protection it actually allows for life to feel easier with less overwhelm. It allows for abundance to enter your life without getting caught in all the traps.

Sign Me Up!

"Mary fosters an environment of support and friendly competition that keep me motivated and encourages me to push myself towards my goals. I’ve even made some new friends in the process!
I also love working with Mary one on one because it allows me to really take time and nail down what my goals are. Unlike some other coaches I’ve experienced, her approach is very holistic and not just focused on diet and exercise (although that was a part of my goals too). She’s very supportive and encouraging and it feels like having my own cheerleader nearby. She is extremely knowledgeable in the areas she supports me with so she’s really able to help find an approach that works best for me."

-Mia C. (Denver, CO)

Hello my Queens, I’m Mary Cella,
a Certified Nutrition and Life Coach

I have a passion for supporting women in discovering the best version of themselves, and show them how to use mindset, nutrition and movement to unlock their fullest potential.

I was beyond overwhelmed and it showed in my body weight and how I interacted with the world, knew that there was something holding back but did not understand how or where to start. What I learned was I needed the tools and support for getting in shape and I needed the innerwork that would heal me, find myself, leave a toxic marriage, and paradigms from before that I had let tell me who I should be and how I should act.

Through my own journey, the mistakes I made, the challenges, struggles and pitfalls I experienced. As well as the insights I gained, the tools I learned (and a few shortcuts), helped me to carve out a clear path for other women so they can experience that same vibrancy!

As a woman in my 40s, I have the lived experience of what we all go through as women. The hormonal, physical, mental and emotional changes. The giving, caretaking, supporting and doing, to the point of running on empty. So, I see you.

By learning how to embrace these inevitable shifts, tune into what my body and soul truly need, and by choosing me first, I have discovered how to tap into boundless energy and vitality!

This is not for you if ...

You are not ready to dive deep and start making yourself a priority.

While we dedicate time and tools for exercise, enhancing our dietary habits, and practicing mindfulness, it's necessary to delve deeper and work at a more profound level. Working at a deeper level involves gaining a deeper understanding of oneself, including one's thoughts, emotions, and values.

This process can be challenging and often requires a willingness to confront uncomfortable emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. However, by doing so, individuals can develop greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and inner resilience, which can positively impact all areas of their lives.

You’re looking for a one-size-fits-all solution or a quick fix, this will be a deeply personal journey that we co-create. While women often see results quickly, the lasting and meaningful results come from being in the work and showing up consistently. This also means being open to exploring and challenging your limiting beliefs around food and exercise.

This is for you if ...

If you're ready to feel amazing in your body and break free from the limiting beliefs and fears that have been holding you back, then this is for you.

Imagine waking up every day feeling confident and empowered about how you look and feel, knowing that you have a clear plan in place to achieve your goals. You'll be able to create a new reality for yourself, one that's based on abundance, not scarcity.

So if you're being called to make a change in your life, to step into your power and create the future you deserve, don't wait any longer to start living the life you've always dreamed of.

This Is For Me!

"Wowzers! so I started 2021 as the year of me. Finally taking time for myself to feel like myself again.
I have given up my body for about four years now and so happy to reclaim it!
Mary reached out to me at the start of the year and offered to coach me on doing just that.
She has been there every step of the way and I couldn't be more thankful! I started this nine week program at a starting weight of 155 and now I am at 134! 21 pound weight loss!"

- Natalia (Denver, CO)

Pay In Full


$300 off the full price of $947


2 Monthly Payments


$300 off the Full price $954


Frequently Asked Questions

Pay In Full


$300 off the full price of $947


2 Payments of


$300 off the Full price $954


Want to learn more? Send me and email [email protected]

"Mary’s approach to coaching is warm and compassionate and she met me where I am today in life.

As a woman over 50 with auto-immune issues, she researched and offered great insight into healthy eating habits and the best way to maintain an active lifestyle.

She supported me without judgment and was a great partner who helped me with accountability."

- Christy G. (Denver, CO)

Well, Queen, Ready to shake things up and start living your best life?

The next 60 years of your existence are waiting for you, and it's time to make them count. You've tried all the trendy exercise and nutrition programs, but let's be real, most of them are missing a key component and that is you doing the deep work.